Carly - Digital Download - High Resolution


Mother Nature Series

The healer to all. Carly always has an open ear to listen to anyone’s ailments and immediately knows who to connect them to. She’s been through so much in her life, so many things to throw her off base. But now she is honing in on listening to her own intuition and knowing what is truly right for her. She knows exactly what’s right for everyone else, but sometimes Carly just needs to stop and be. Carly knows that water can be healing, that water can turn your tides in an instant, that water can ebb and flow and sometimes be destructive and sometimes be still. Carly is learning to be more like water and learn how to fluid in the midst of so much change. She is learning this skill right alongside her children because age does not matter when it comes to healing. Watching her children ride their bike for the first time and climb trees without their parents help is what is setting her free.

Taken in Maui, Hawaii

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